Heiwanna Massage Therapy

Services and Rates

Investing in massage is an investment in your health.....


Relaxation Massage:

During a relaxation massage there is less emphasis on working out serious adhesion or knots in the muscle tissue, and your therapist won't push your pain limits in order to get the muscle to release. There are still substantial health benefits to a relaxation massage, including: calming the nervous system, promoting a sense of well-being, improving blood circulation, and stimulating the body's lymphatic system, which carries away waste products. Sometimes people even fall asleep during a relaxation massage.

30 minutes $30.00

90 minutes $90.00



Using only the finest all natural products, our facials exfoliate, cleanse, and re-hydrate the skin. A gentle relaxing massage for the face, neck, and shoulders and you will find yourself floating away into relaxing bliss. Go ahead you deserve it!

35-40 minutes $40.00



Hot Stone Massage:

Stone Therapy...Warm Basalt stones placed in strategic areas on the body, a gentle soothing massage, and the world just seems to fade away.  The heat from the stones loosens the muscles and relaxes the mind in preparation for a wonderfully relaxing massage.  It truly is an amazing experience, and one you should have at least once in your life.

75 minutes $75.00



Deep Tissue Massage:

Deep Tissue Massage... a form of bodywork that aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissure in the body.  Deep Tissue Massage is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries.  Due to the nature of the deep tissue work, open communication during the session is crucial to make sure you don't get to uncomfortable.  Keep in mind that soreness is pretty common after the treatment, and that plenty of water should be ingested to aid with the flushing and removal of toxins that will have been released from the deep tissue during the session.  This treatment works to release and relax your muscles when you have lost the ability to do that for yourself.


30 minutes $30.00

60 minutes $60.00

90 minutes $90.00